Stand alone stations

    Use of international stations in single-station mode during ILT time

    For proposals requesting the use of the international stations in single-station mode during ILT time, it is the PI’s responsibility to verify – before submitting the proposal - that local resources are available to run such projects at the international stations. In its deliberations, the LOFAR Programme Committee will assume that the submission of such projects is indication that local resources will be available to accommodate it.

    To get in contact with the international station managers to verify the availability of local resources to run your project, please use the information below:

    DE601: O. Wucknitz wucknitz[at]
    DE602: B.Ciardi, ciardi[at]
    DE603: M. Hoeft, hoeft[at]
    DE604: C. Vocks, lofar-ops[at]
    DE605: B. Adebahr, adebahr[at] lofar-ops[at]
    FR606: J. M. Griessmeier, lofar-ops[at]
    SE607: T. Carozzi, tobia[at] lofar-ops[at]
    UK608: M. Hardcastle, m.j.hardcastle[at] lofar-ops[at]
    DE609: J. Kuensemoeller, jkuensem[at] lofar-ops[at]
    PL610: Hanna Rothkaehl, hrot[at]
    PL611: Marian Soida, soida[at]
    PL612: Leszek Blaszkiewicz, leszekb[at]
    IE613: P. T. Gallagher, peter.gallagher[at]
    LV614: R. Pauliks, romass[at]


    SDC Helpdesk