© Josine Haas
On Wednesday March 19th was the very first Onboarding Trip! With a mixed group of colleagues from different departments, we had a fantastic day. Not only because the sun was shining so brightly, but also thanks to the enthusiasm of the colleagues who wanted to tell us something and the curiosity of the (new) colleagues who had signed up.
The Onboarding Trip will also take place on June 26th and October 9th. If you are a staff member and you'd like to come along, you can! Sign up via the link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=nCXpA2IylEatk03OfJ-kAyU3QzkLQANEmm7xfrgrWU5UQUNLTTkxWkIyV1A3SEFWTEo5SUtJMVpSQS4u