Previous LOFAR newsletters are collected here.
Published by the editorial team, 15 February 2023
The proposal call for Cycle 20 has been advertised and can be found here. The submission deadline will be on Wednesday, 8 March, at 12 UT (noon). This call will fill the entire 12-month period 01 June 2023 – 31 May 2024. After this “last full LOFAR1 observing window”, significant temporary impact is expected from LOFAR2.0 upgrade activities. More information about the functionality and resources available during Cycle 20 are given in the call.
The next LOFAR Family Meeting will take place in Olsztn (Poland) between 12-16 June 2023. As usual, the meeting will represent a great opportunity to share scientific accomplishments and experiences of the LOFAR collaboration. All detailed information about the registration, venue, hotels, and travel suggestions will be available at the meeting webpage soon.
Feedback about the new LOFAR Status Meeting format was gathered following a user community survey. The outcome is that the cadence of the event will be on a quarterly basis. Concerning the agenda, after a few highlights about the LOFAR system, observing program and events, the meeting will focus on a single topic that will be presented by one or more experts and a discussion and action plan will follow. The first LSM following this new format took place in November. 2022 The next will be coming February 22.
Data staging and downloading from the Poznan and Juelich LTA sites have been mostly stable in the past few months. Staging and download services were down for few days during the power maintenance at CIT and the LTA upgrade periods in December 2022. Contact SDC-Helpdesk if you experience any issues.
The password Self-service is active although the integration with (linking from) MoM/NorthStar/LTA is not yet functional. In the meantime, users can go to the link: to reset their password. Contact SDC-Helpdesk, if further support is needed.