Previous LOFAR newsletters are collected here.
Published by the editorial team, 25 August 2022
13 out of the submitted 28 proposals were accepted for observations during Cycle 18. These, together with the existing long-term Cycle 16 projects are being observed in the ongoing Cycle 18 observing campaign spanning June 1 – November 30, 2022. Over 2543 observing hours and 2214 TB of storage have been allocated. More details about the progress of the Cycle 18 observing program are given in a dedicated section below.
It was decided that there will be no formal call for Cycle 19 proposals. Observing of the current Long Term project portfolio will be continued in Cycle 19, 1 Dec 2022 – 31 May 2023. All Priority A allocations already made will be honoured; the time designated as look-ahead will then be taken up in Priority B (i.e., on a best-efforts basis, subject to scheduling and logistical constraints, but there is likely to be a significant amount of Priority B observing possible). This will ensure strong scientific productivity will be maintained. The Director’s Discretionary Time (DDT) mechanism will operate in Cycle 19 as usual (with an enhanced amount of available time): it will provide a continuous entry point for some smaller projects, from any proposer(s), who will need to demonstrate both scientific merit and urgency, to be scheduled on a best-efforts basis. Cycle 18 will be completed on 31 Nov 2022; all Cycle 18 allocations are scheduled at their normal priority. In Cycle 19, the Cycle 18 Priority A observations that have failed will be taken along at priority B as usual. A Cycle 20 proposal call is expected with the usual timing (i.e., early February 2022), and will be open to proposals from the full community; the details of this call will be decided by the ILT Board in due course.
Data staging and download from the Poznan and Juelich LTA sites have been unstable in the past few weeks. Actions are undertaken to resolve this as soon as possible. As usual, contact the SDC-Helpdesk if you experience any issues.
The password Self-service is active again although the integration with (linking from) MoM/NorthStar/LTA is not yet functional. In the meantime, users can visit to reset their password. Contact the SDC-Helpdesk, if further support is needed.
The 2022 edition of the LOFAR Family Meeting took place in Cologne between June 13-17. The program featured a broad range of recent LOFAR science results, as well as extra sessions for the LOFAR Users Meeting and LOFAR2. In total, 141 LOFAR enthusiasts participated to the event. The talks given at the workshop will be made available soon. The workshop picture is presented below.
LOFAR2.0 progress highlights are presented every two months in the LOFAR2.0 Newsletter, see:
Preparations for the upcoming 9th European Radio Interferometry School (ERIS 2022) are progressing well and 72 participants are currently expected to join the event in Dwingeloo in September.
The school program is now finalised and consists of 16 lectures, 14 tutorials and social activities, including a guided tour to the WSRT site.
COVID-related extra precautions are being considered for a safest and pleasant event.