Previous LOFAR newsletters are collected here.
Published by the editorial team, 14 April 2023
At the end of the 8 March proposal submission deadline, 42 proposals have been received. These represent oversubscription factors of 1.54 in telescope observing hours, 1.27 in processing hours and 2.00 in LTA storage space. The technical assessment of the proposals has been completed, and the PC meeting is planned to take place on May 11, 2023 after which proposers will be informed about the outcome of their proposals. The Cycle 20 observations will run from 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024.
Intermittent issues with data staging and downloads from the Juelich LTA site have been reported in the past few weeks. The problem has been resolved now. There is also extended maintenance activities ongoing at the SURFsara LTA site currently; please take note of the notifications shown on the LOFAR LTA portal page when attempting to access the archive. Contact SDC-Helpdesk if you experience any issues with staging and downloads.
To determine the sensitivity of beamformed observations a factor to take into account is the number of antennas that are off because of system issues. For this we have provided access to the timestamps of the disabling and enabling of antennas through this file: . Unfortunately, the file does not contain updates after June 2019 (except for a few antennas in FR606). We are investigating the issue. For data taken after June 2019, the correction will currently not work. Please contact the SDC helpdesk in case of further questions.
The password Self-service is active although the integration with MoM/NorthStar/LTA is not yet available. In the meantime, users can go to the link:, to reset their password when having problem with LTA access. Users may also contact SDC-Helpdesk, if further support is needed.
This year’s LOFAR family meeting will be held in Olsztyn, Poland, from 12 to 16 June. It will cover all the main areas of LOFAR science and use. The conference will feature five days of contributed and invited talks as well as posters. LOFAR Users sessions, Extra Room meetings and other interesting events are planned. Here are the links to registration, abstract submission, and hotel reservations. The deadline for abstract submission is 30 April 2023.
ASTRON SDC will cease Python 2.x support for the lofar_stager_api ( effective October 1st, 2023. Please adjust your systems/workflows accordingly.
The dates of LOFAR Status Meetings, roll-outs and stop days are listed in an online calendar that is available here. In particular, we emphasize: